Preliminary task

AS opening sequence

Thursday 10 March 2011

Evaluation question two

Question 2

Our media product represents quite a few social groups due to our character.

Our Charater Is:
- A young blakc male
- A "Geek" he's smart and intellectual
- Company receptionist who works from home
- Mentally unstable - split personality
- American

The first social group represnted is young black males because the character himself is a young black male, however this can expand to all males aged 18-35 with different ethnic backgrounds because they are the main target audience. By choosing a black young character i think we managed to represent more social groups because typically the main character in a psychological thriller is a middle-aged white man.

We represent the "geeks" by the setting and mise in scene elements. The setting is an office with a lot of paper-work and books and the character is seen sleeping there showing that he's most probably tired from working. the character is also wearing a shirt and tie, which makes him look smart, and glasses which makes most people will immediately think hes a geek. The character is also lonely and most "geeks" seem to be lonely most of the time. Another social group represented is working men because the character is shown in an office.

The final social group represented is Americans of all ages and gender. This is because all americans were affected in someway be the terrorist attacks "9/11".

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