Preliminary task

AS opening sequence

Wednesday 9 March 2011

Evaluation question five

We attracted our audience by using the typical codes and conventions of psychological thrillers because the audience are already familiar with them and they are more likely to enjoy it.

The audience is attracted by the way the film opens in a dark office. This gains their attention immediately because they begin to think what is going to happen next and it also creates tension because darkness is normally associated with trouble.

The camera then pans revealing the main character who wakes up quite dramatically and then goes into a state, falling unconscious. Whilst unconscious the character then has a premonition in which hes wearing a strait-jacket and locked up in asylum.
This attracted the audience because they know that the character is mentally unstable and unpredictable which makes them think what did he do for him to end up in asylum. At this moment the audience is fully engaged and they are more likely to keep watching to find out what happened.

The background music also attracts the audience because it's quite creepy which adds to the tension and also makes the audience aware that something is about to take place because typically in a psychological thriller the music builds up to some action.
The voice over also attracts the audience because it reveals what has happened and is the explanation to the drawing by the character.

Basing the narrative on a real life event also attracted the audience because it's an event known world-wide  and very controversial to this day. Since the '9/11' attacks there has been a lot of conspiracy theories and theres still a doubt about who was actually behind the attacks and the American government have been accused of orchestrating these attacks which makes it even more interesting.

In all i think that we were successful in attracting the audience because we challenged the typical codes and conventions of a psychological thriller and also followed them .
We also received some positive feedback after showing it to fellow students which told us that we had been successful in attracting the audience.

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