Preliminary task

AS opening sequence

Wednesday 9 March 2011

Evaluation question four

Who would be the audience for your media product?

Primary audience profile:

The target audience for our film was males aged 18 – 35.
The ethnic background of the target audience is American therefore the demographics of the target audience is America.
The lifestyle of the target audience is likely to be either family oriented or single, working possibly and men who enjoy ‘macho’ things such as going to the pub and watching football and basketball etc with their friends.

We chose this as our target group firstly because psychological thrillers usually have a male character starring and they generally appeal more to males more than they do to female. Also psychological thrillers normally have an element of crime or danger with a bit of action which appeals to our target audience.
The reason why we focused on an American target audience is that the film relates to them because of the terrorist attacks that happened on the world trade center in New York. All Americans would have been affected by the attacks in one way or another which is why it would attract them more than a non American audience and they fit in to the genre of our film.

Our target audience would be interested in watching films such as; “Phone booth”, “Donnie Darko” which are psychological thrillers and also action films such as “Die Hard”. The reason why I think that our target audience would be interested in these films is because these are the sort of films which are targeted at our target audience.

In the last six months our target audience would have seen movies such as “Salt”, “The A-team”, and “Unstoppable”.

The target audience is likely to go to the cinema at night during the week or the weekend due to work and other commitments. Also the movies the target audience is most likely to watch are shown at later times.

Secondary audience profile:

Both Genders aged 18-55
Different ethnicities
Same sort of lifestyle as primary audience
The secondary audience will have the same interest in films as the primary and also would have recently watched the same films as the primary audience in the last six months.

The age of the secondary audience is much more varied because theres elements of our film which appeal to more than one type of audience. Theres a range in ethnicity because this event was televised and reported globally and to this day is still a controversial subject attracting a wider audience. The secondary audience also includes both genders because women may also be interested.

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