Preliminary task

AS opening sequence

Tuesday 8 March 2011

Evaluation question six

What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

Before we started filming we had to perform a camera check-list:

• Open up tripod bag and remove tripod
• Adjust the tripod to suit the camera persons height
• Adjust and make sure the spirit level on the tripod is correct
• Place the camera on top of the tripod locking in the shoehorn
• Insert the battery and then the cassette into the camera
• Turn on the camera to setting ‘A’ which stands for automatic
• Open up the viewfinder
• Start filming

We used the Canon XAHi camera during filming. We had learnt how to setup and use the camera in previous lessons so I was quite familiar with this.

We used the Libec L8200 tripod to take most of our shots. This helped us to take steady shots and also use tilts and different angle shots. Setting up the tripod was not easy to begin with but with practice I became confident enough to be able to do it.

We used the A sennheiser microphone was used-we also used the windshield in order to block out breathing being hear due to the sensitivity of the mic (I also learnt however that microphones often pick up unwanted sound and camera sound)

After the filming process we started to edit, we used software called Adobe Premier CS4. We were given a Lacie drive which is just like a usb or hard disk and a firewire lead to connect the camera to the computer.
Once the camera was connected to the computer we started choosing the best shots we had and cutting any takes which we didn’t need. This process is called digitising and it helped to show us how much useful footage we actually have.
After digitising our shots we had to put them in order and make sure that the order makes sense. This was quite easy because all our shots were in order and numbered due to the shooting schedule.
Once the sequence was in order we started changing shots, either making them longer or making cuts. We also started to add effects such as fades and we had to remove all sound from filming because we used a voice over.

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