Preliminary task

AS opening sequence

Wednesday 9 March 2011

Evaluation question one

In what ways does your media product USE, DEVELOP or CHALLENGE forms and conventions of real media products?

We used forms and conventions of real media by; having opening credits and titles, introducing the audience to the setting,  introducing the character to the audience, introducing the narrative without giving too much away , showing the main themes and also having some background music to entertain the audience.

Our film is a psychological thriller and it does follow the typical codes and conventions of previous films however it does also challenge the typical codes and conventions of this genre.
Our film follows the codes and conventions of a psychological thriller due to the way it is opened. We opened the film without giving away too much information to the audience which leaves them asking questions about narrative and also interested enough to keep watching.
We also have some abstract credits which is a typical feature of psychological thriller.
However we also do challenge the codes and conventions of a psychological thriller because of the element of conspiracy in wanting to know who’s actually behind the attacks.

The character follows the typical codes and conventions because he’s a male who has a split personality. He’s quite disturbed and the audience doesn’t get any information about the character. Our character has a premonition showing an attack on the world trade centre which is like the character from “Donnie Darko” who has visions that the world is coming to an end. We also have only one main character which is a typical feature of a psychological thriller for example 'Phone-booth' in which for the majority of the film the main character is filmed in just a phone booth.
The way we challenged the codes and conventions of the character is that he’s a young black male and there’s no dialogue from the character. Typically psychological thrillers will have a white middle aged man starring.

The narrative follows the codes and conventions of psychological thrillers due to the premonition which gives the psychological element. This is also seen in “Donnie Darko” and also “Déjà vu”.
The narrative challenges the codes and conventions because there’s also crime and conspiracy involved with the terrorist attacks.

The setting follows the codes and conventions of a psychological thriller because it’s a small, dark confined space. This lets the audience know what the character is like  because the books and papers show that he is intellectual also the darkness shows that the character is quite mysterious . We only used one setting which is just like 'Phone-booth'.

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