Preliminary task

AS opening sequence

Tuesday 7 December 2010


A man, who is a schizophrenic, predicted the 9/11 attacks 6 months prior to them. He had drawn the twin towers and two airplanes crashing into the world trade in a hallucinated state, the next morning he is oblivious to his illustrations and tends to agree with the predictions. He then goes to produce a number of conspiracy theories which include the involvement of the government, a secret society, the landowner of the world trade centres and many more. On September 11th the 9/11 attacks commence and the man’s neighbour is present around the falling buildings and he receives a call just before collision and is able to escape, subsequently his neighbour reports him to the police and the man is taken in for questioning during the state of emergency. His flamboyant remarks against powerful people has led him to be intensively interrogated, and gets badly beaten up by officers in a pursuit to gain information, but they fail. All the man could recite was his conspiracies but nothing eased the beatings. 4 months after the attacks, the man is released from questioning and he later finds out that his memory and mind will be forever lost due to the vast amount of pressure that had been applied to him whilst interrogation. Knowing this, he tries to make his final attempts in trying to raise awareness to the public as much as possible, using his own mistreatments as evidence to the governments’ suspicious behaviour. He finally looses his mind and is admitted to an insane ward.

Shooting Schedule

opening sequence shooting schedule

Shot Details
Props & Costume
Character(s) in scene
– Setting up
– Shot 1
– Shot 2
– Shot 3
– Shot 4

– Shot 5

– Shot 6

– Shot 7

– Shot 8

– Shot 9

– Shot 10

– Shot 11
– Shot 12

– Shot 13

– Shot 14

– Shot 15

– Shot 16

– Shot 17
– Shot 19

- Shot 20

-Shot 21

- Shot 22,23 24

– Shot 25

– Shot 26

– Shot 18

- Panning of office
- Close up pan of select papers
- Close up pan of select papers
- Close up of Cornelius sleeping

- Extreme close up of his eyes opening
- Medium shot of him sitting-up at the table

- High angle shot of him clearing the desk frantically to search for a paper.

- Medium shot of him picking up a pencil from pencil-pot
- Low angle shot of him raising the notepad to begin drawing
- Close up of pencil in Cornelius’ hand about to draw
- Extreme close up of the pencil making contact with the paper
 - POV shot of the beginning of the drawing, gets blurred

- Over the shoulder shot of him about to pinch bridge of his nose
- Medium shot showing his face while he pinches the bridge of his nose.

- Extreme close up of his eyes flickering back 
- Medium shot that pans downwards to follow the motion of his head going down- blackout

- Medium shot of credits on pencil pot and head down on table
- Low angle shot showing him picking up paper once more
- Extreme close up of the lower half of his face showing sweat
- Over the shoulder shot that slowly pans sideways to reveal paper. From right to left of head
- Various abstract close ups of the piece of paper
- A slow zoom out that reveals the whole drawing
- Medium shot that shows the side of his head and calendar on the side and zooms into the date
- Medium shot of him curled up in the corner, rocking.

Papers on wall
Paper on wall
Paper on wall
Cornelius’ costume


Cornelius’ costume

Papers on desk, one paper with credit on it

Pencil pot, with pencils inside.

Notepad, Pencil and Cornelius’ costume
Notepad and pencil

Notepad and pencil

Desk, Notepad and pencil

Cornelius’ costume

Cornelius’ costume


Cornelius’ costume, desk, pencil and notepad

Pencil pot, notepad and pencil



Pencil(on desk), Notepad



Papers on wall, calendar and Cornelius’ costume

Cornelius in straitjacket



Cornelius is asleep but is breathing heavily, is uneasy and is sweating

This is breaking news just in, on the attacks of the World Trade Centre in New York.


 Cornelius wakes up abruptly and stares in a trance

Is in a state of an emergency, it seems to be that a commercial air line has crashed into one of the twin towers.

Cornelius gets up and is fiddling with papers, trying to find a plain paper

The buildings in the south end of Manhattan seem to have been shrouded in smoke and debris which many hundreds of people

Cornelius, finds a piece of paper and sits down with a pencil, still in a trance

Are trying to escape. Here is clearer footage of the towers, and it seems-

Cornelius is starting to draw two vertical rectangular shapes and looks up at his post-it notes and takes them in his hand to study

That the south tower is untouched, but the north tower however-

Cornelius takes another post-it note from the wall and reads it. The post-it will have one of the credits on it

Has suffered a devastating collision

Cornelius’ vision is blurred and faints, he bangs his head on the table; Cut-back to a shot of Cornelius in a corner of an asylum wearing a straitjacket, he then wakes up and picks up the drawing.

CNN is still working on retrieving more information as we are contacting our sources to

Cornelius has drawn his second building, without smoke. He is staring motionlessly at the piece of paper.

Keep you updated on this matter, and we have…


Oh my God, we- a- as you can see another collision has-

Then slowly, as the camera pans, we see the aeroplane drawn onto the paper next to the south tower.

Just happened, and it is the south tower this time, although just seconds ago we reported that it was fine, is now in flames.


It is on September 11th 2001, and the twin towers have just been…

(Cornelius looks at his calendar which says “June 6th 2001” and then looks at his watch and writes down “, 06/6/2001”at the bottom of the page)