Preliminary task

AS opening sequence

Friday 1 April 2011

Se7en Opening sequence

Codes and Conventions of psychological thrillers

Low level lighting, shadows, rapid editing, sudden changes in camera angle, high tension music, flashbacks, use of photographs/images/articles and black and white colouring.
Shadows are closely related with low level lighting and are used as a convention of a thriller film; they are used to represent the fear and horror within beings, and can also add to the tension that is created.
Rapid editing is used frequently in thriller films to increase the feeling of fear and shock; it is often used during important or particularly ‘thrilling’ scenes.
Flashbacks contribute to a sense of time disorientation in a thriller and this confuses the audience; it is also a convention of a thriller film because it can display what has happened in the past to give the audience an insight into why the characters are the way they are. It could also display the sense of the character being confused and psychologically unstable.
Black and white colouring is another convention of a thriller, because it increases the effectiveness of shadows, and can often appear quite scary because you can’t see what’s hiding in the shadows.
The main aspect which changes the genre from a Thriller to a Psychological Thriller is the lack of brute force and the particular emphisis on phobias or something most people fear even though it may not be particularly harmful. (EG: Tight spaces + Darkness = Clostrophobia)
In thrillers, the credits are often specially designed for the genre. The text will normally have an effect which heightens fear and makes the viewer’s feel like something bad is imminent.

Monday 21 March 2011

The tiltle sequence has a black bagroud with text written on it, a white light then flashes in the middle of the background which creates a spooky impression. This music starts to pick up pace and then the camera shows a shot of a darl lighted tunnel. We then see a vehicl approaching , there are several shots of the vehicle high/low angles are used. However we are unable to se the charcter driving it which shows mysteriousness. Two characters are then introduced, they speak at a low slow pace. During the underwter scene the music changes because the characters are in danger, there is also fast pace editing used because of the situation this also creates more tension. Throughout most of the scene the characters are shown in dark lighting which hides the identity from the audience

the film starts of in a car, we are unable to see the characters face because of dark lighting, this shows like a hoorr film mysteriousness. We are also unsure of were the location is because the background too is dark. The voice in the car also causes mysteriousness because at first we cannot see who is speaking, the voice speaks at a slow pace. During the scene in the house the music changes, also we do not understand what the characters purpose is. Facial expressions of the couple in the room are shocked and represents them as afraid. The camera then zooms out of the house while leaving the chracter who was speaking in the begining unseen in the opening creating more mystery. The dark setting sets the thrill of the film while the audience is left wondering what is going on

The film starts of in black and white the soundtrack is also slow which builds up tension. There is dark use of lighting in many of shots such as the locker hallway, this implies tpo the audeience that the film could be of a horror genre. The characters which are shown are only showed through dark lighting which creates a sense of mystery.The music then changes whilst the characters our in the van, however its broken to less charasmatic music and then silence which disrupts the audience and gets them to believe something is going to happen.

The sound track in the background in the traffic scene is light hearted which makes the situation seem less serious. Furthermore the body language and facial expression of the police women would suggest that she is represeted as not bothered which suits the genre o comedy. The motor bike scene shows how the male charcetr is represented as clumsy. The use of close up shot on his face shows the terrified look on his face. This used with the soundrack makes tha audience understand its humour rather than take it serious. A classic shot of a crowds reation to something is used, this is normally used in lots of comedy films which shows that it is a typical code. The opeming scenes are taking outdoors which have lots of lighting which helps add to the vibrant scene

Sunday 20 March 2011

opening scenes

police academy

The sound track in the background in the traffic scene is light hearted which makes the situation seem less serious. Furthermore the body language and facial expression of the police women would suggest that she is represeted as not bothered which suits the genre o comedy. The motor bike scene shows how the male charcetr is represented as clumsy. The use of close up shot on his face shows the terrified look on his face. This used with the soundrack makes tha audience understand its humour rather than take it serious. A classic shot of a crowds reation to something is used, this is normally used in lots of comedy films which shows that it is a typical code. The opeming scenes are taking outdoors which have lots of lighting which helps add to the vibrant scene

Texas chain saw massacre

The film starts of in black and white the soundtrack is also slow which builds up tension. There is dark use of lighting in many of shots such as the locker hallway, this implies tpo the audeience that the film could be of a horror genre. The characters which are shown are only showed through dark lighting which creates a sense of mystery.The music then changes whilst the characters our in the van, however its broken to less charasmatic music and then silence which disrupts the audience and gets them to believe something is going to happen.

Secret window

the film starts of in a car, we are unable to see the characters face because of dark lighting, this shows like a hoorr film mysteriousness. We are also unsure of were the location is because the background too is dark. The voice in the car also causes mysteriousness because at first we cannot see who is speaking, the voice speaks at a slow pace. During the scene in the house the music changes, also we do not understand what the characters purpose is. Facial expressions of the couple in the room are shocked and represents them as afraid. The camera then zooms out of the house while leaving the chracter who was speaking in the begining unseen in the opening creating more mystery. The dark setting sets the thrill of the film while the audience is left wondering what is going on

Basic instict

The tiltle sequence has a black bagroud with text written on it, a white light then flashes in the middle of the background which creates a spooky impression. This music starts to pick up pace and then the camera shows a shot of a darl lighted tunnel. We then see a vehicl approaching , there are several shots of the vehicle high/low angles are used. However we are unable to se the charcter driving it which shows mysteriousness. Two characters are then introduced, they speak at a low slow pace. During the underwter scene the music changes because the characters are in danger, there is also fast pace editing used because of the situation this also creates more tension. Throughout most of the scene the characters are shown in dark lighting which hides the identity from the audience